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Meghan Markle Looked Fabulous In Super Long Hair During An Inspiring Virtual Speech

Meghan Markle was the keynote speaker at this year’s virtual Girl Up Leadership Summit, and she looked absolutely fabulous in super long, super sleek hair while delivering a powerful speech.

Appearing on camera, Markle wore her hair longer than we’ve seen it in the past, straight and parted down the center in face-framing layers, which went, essentially, to the middle of her torso. 

“She rocks straight hair, and that blue was fantastic,” one fan tweeted in reference to her blue top. Another wrote, “She’s such a good speaker. Her hair has grown soo much. Leaving the U.K. really did wonders for her mind, body and soul. She can be an advocate without restrictions and that is power.”

Meghan Markle’s speech at the Girl Up Leadership Summit was all about encouraging young women to be unapologetic in their beliefs and values.

“Those in the halls and corridors of places of power — from lawmakers, to world leaders, to executives — all of those people, they depend on you more than you’ll ever depend on them,” she told viewers. “They know that all of you, at a younger age than any modern comparison, are setting the tone for an equitable humanity — not figuratively, literally. This is a humanity that desperately needs you — to push it, to push us, forcefully, in a more inclusive, more just, and empathetic direction.”

“You are standing up and demanding to be heard, yes, but you are also demanding to own the conversation,” she continued. “Another thing about those lawmakers and leaders and executives I mentioned earlier … Now many of them don’t listen until they have to, because the status quo is easy to excuse and it’s hard to break, but it will pull tightest right before snapping.”

“Keep challenging, keep pushing,” Markle advised, “make them a little uncomfortable because it’s only in that discomfort that we actually create the conditions to reimagine our standards, our policies, and our leadership — to move towards real representation and meaningful influence over the structures of decision-making and power.”

Markle concluded her speech with, “Don’t be afraid to do what you know is right,” she said, “even when it’s not popular, even when it’s never been done before, even if it scares people, and even if it scares you.”

“I will be cheering you on, so will my husband, so will Archie, as you all continue marching, advocating, and leading the way forward.”

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